Sorrow is my only ART

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Well you wanted it (lie) and here it is!

Name: John Montgomery
Nick Name: "Five O'Clock Shadow" and here's why... To be honest, I don't really shave that regulary. Well, I do shave regulary, once a week right before church. In any case, I make fun of it just like every one else.
Age: 18 (now i can call in on all those tv infomercials!)
Birthday: 1983/07/16
Location: To the right the grave of the "spoon of truth" and to the left of the land of engrish. But seriously I won't tell you where I live. I don't live in North Carolina or in Japan or in Europe. I did actually put where I live somewhere on the site if you really really want to know!
School: Currently a high school senior.
Languages: English (native), Latin (only written), a spot of Japanese (very little, really only enough to recongnize if i'm being insulted) and basic Spanish (phrases such as "where is the bathroom?" and "hello! what is your name?"
Life changing things (in no particular order):
  • Leo Tolstoi's The Kingdom of God is Within You
  • Gundam Wing
  • Gran Turismo 2
  • My two trips to Mexico (on mission trips)
  • My Parents
  • and the most life changing thing is.........
    ......................................... Jesus Christ!
Things that annoy me (in no particular order):
  • People who don't care if they blind you with their cars high beams.
  • People to whom you do a favor and they complain.
  • Songs that are overplayed on the radio.
  • Wet towels when you really need a dry one.
  • The dry crusty ketchup on the lid.
  • People who constantly have their mouth open.
If you want to find out more about the site visit the faq
If you want to find out more about my opinions and likes and dislikes visit the my views section of Opinions.

I'll be doing two portraits of myself. One in manga book style (very cartoonish) and one a bit more serious.
I'll post them here very soon! Until then here's a photo of abseiling!

Abseiling which is a fancy word for rapelling which is in turn a fancy word for i'm going to try to slide down this rope without busting my butt!
Abseiling is a fancy word for rapelling which is in turn a fancy word for i'm going to try to slide down this rope without busting my butt!

© Copyright 2001 by John Montgomery
characters from fan art are copyright of their respective companies
(click to e-mail me at