Sorrow is my only ART

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= FAQ =

Q: What's up with the title, Sorrow is my only ART? Are you depressed or something?
A: No, I am not depressed. Far from it, in fact. The title, Sorrow is my only ART, was selected because of 3 reasons:
  1. It originates from a poem I heard at lunch. The original line read: "Sorrow is my own yard," but through the din of many talking students, I only heard "Sorrow is my only art." I incorporated it into a piece you can find on the site (not right now, but a little later)
  2. The work the name comes from was my first color work.(blue's were the only color I had, & blue = sorrow) It seemed an important milestone to me.
  3. It just sounds cool.

Q: What did you use to build this site?
A: I built this site with four programs:
  1. WordPad. I used this to code up each page by directly editing the code. Tedious and cheap. BUT... more recently, on a recommendation from a friend i've been using HomeSite by allaire. it's excellent and cheap ($99). Best of all it still lets me edit code directly.
  2. Paint Shop Pro. I used this to create and save my images.
  3. Paper Port. My scanning app.
  4. WS FTP. My FTP app, allows for quick, easy transfers.

Q: Ach! I can't see your artwork! Why do I speak with this bad German accent and why can't I see it?
A: Instead of using ".jpg" extensions for the artwork (which is by far the most common), I used ".png." ".png" is a file format for graphics which is a bit more rare, but does a better job with colors than ".jpg." As for the accent, no clue...

Q: Can I use your art on my page?
A: yes and no. If you e-mail with the site you'll be putting it on and give me credit. Then I'll give you the go ahead.

Q: Can I link to your page?
A: SURE! I'll even save you the trouble of finding my link page. Just click here.

Q: Will you put my site on your link page?
A: Again yes and no. E-mail me the address and I'll check it out. If I like it, sure. Don't be too worried, I don't have really high standards.

Q: Will you critique my art?
A: On a general basis, I will say "no." But on a individual level, I'll be open IF I have the time.

Q: Will you do a drawing for me?
A: Well, that greatly depends. I will on a limited basis do artwork for you, but on a couple conditions:
  1. I won't do fanart on request.
  2. You can't have the original.
  3. I'll post it on my website and then you can have it. I'll post in whatever size you want, though.

© Copyright 2001 by John Montgomery
characters from fan art are copyright of their respective companies
(click to e-mail me at