Sorrow is my only ART

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= important notice =

A couple site-related things.

1. This is a tripod site so when you try to book mark in AOL it you will actually be bookmarking the ad.
the bookmark address will give you something like "about:blank"
just edit the bookmark and delete the "about:blank" part.
2. This is a tripod site which means that it has a pop-up ad.
to make it so that it won't bother you don't close or minimize the ad.
instead put the ad in the background (which is most easily accomplished by clicking on the actual website)
3. This website is best viewed at 1024x768 resolution. It works equally well in AOL, Netscape and Internet Explorer.Also changed to make it look good in 800x600 resolution.
4. This site does contain javascript but only minor amounts that are not necessary to the overall flow.

© Copyright 2001 by John Montgomery
characters from fan art are copyright of their respective companies
(click to e-mail me at